Dr Christopher Baer is a master at implementing digital dentistry workflows in the dental practice. He runs a fully digital dental practice in Colorado where he serves as a Key Opinion Leader, lecturer and advisor on digital dental technologies and implementation strategies. He has had over a decade of experience developing digital dental workflows and utilizing dental technology to improve clinical efficiency.
After his graduation from mechanical engineering school, Georgio founded the digital dentistry department of a company in Lebanon while managing and developing partnerships with suppliers like 3Shape, Planmeca, Straumann, ImesIcore, 3Dsystems and others. 2 years ago, Georgio joined the Formlabs team in Berlin with the goal of developing the sales channel in the Middle East, Africa and Turkey. Following the recent launch of the Formlabs Dental Business Unit Georgio took charge of the development of dental strategic partnerships. In 2022 he became the Dental Product Manager.